Driveway Project Tips
Although there are numerous options for designing with decorative concrete, there are some techniques to help you select just the right colors and pattern. Use these five tips for ideas and for ways to help you select the right designs for your driveway.

- Select colors based on the style of the home.
Country-style homes are best accented by a warm color palette such as brown, reds and forest greens. Use airy colors such as ocean blue or sandy beige to complement a beach-setting home.

- Repeat elements.
Carry the driveway elements into a walkway or patio to creative a cohesive transition. This also helps tie in an expansive driveway rather than creating two totally distinct areas.

- Set apart vehicle and pedestrian uses with pattern and color.
Using scoring lines and color to set off areas for vehicles and areas for foot traffic.

- Choose stamp patterns that complement a home’s exterior
For country-style or log cabin homes, choose patterns that are natural such as random stone or slate. For colonial style homes, consider engraving or stamping concrete with a circular pattern that offsets the home’s boxy shape.

- Use the photo gallery for ideas. offers a decorative concrete photo gallery with hundreds of photos illustrating concrete driveway designs. Search for homes that are the same style as yours and compile a collection of driveways images to give you ideas.