10 Concrete Driveway Designs
Top 5 Driveway Patterns
Landscape designer Scott Cohen shares his five favorite approaches for transforming concrete driveways inexpensively and easily. Length: 02:42

- 1. Use two types of finishes.
Choose two types of patterns or finishes to give your driveway a unique look. In this example, exposed aggregate was used in the fields, and a patterned border was chosen.

- 2. Borders
Give your concrete a finished look with a bordered edge. Just adding the element of a 6" border will make your driveway look more elegant. You can also add dimension by using a contrasting color in the border. View this slideshow of creative uses of borders on concrete driveways.

- 3. Create a focal point.
Include a design at intersecting points of your driveway to create a focal point. Commonly chosen items are compass designs, logos, address numbers, or shapes with varying stamped patterns.

- 4. Control joint pattern.
Most control joints are placed in single square shapes. Add some detail by creating two sets of control joint lines. The extra markings will help break up a large driveway.

- 5. Create interest with random color.
Can't afford to color the entire driveway? Choose a pattern and randomly select varying squares or areas to hand-color.

- 6. Go bold with geometric shapes.
Transform your driveway with engraved patterns, such as these seven brick circles. You can also plan to incorporate geometric designs with strategic control joint placement.

- 7. Accentuate any existing cracks.
You can create a very ranch-like, rustic feel by accentuating the cracks in your existing driveway. Using concrete stains, your cracks can have a natural appeal.

- 8. Add a stamped concrete apron.
If it's too expensive to redo your entire driveway in decorative concrete, then just add a stamped concrete apron for the first several feet of the driveway. With an apron, the entrance to your home will be inviting and spectacular, and you won't risk having it look overdone. You can also plan to add a matching element in the center of your driveway, or tie it all together with a matching border.

- 9. Engrave patterns.
Using concrete engraving tools, a repeating pattern can be applied to an entire driveway for one, cohesive look.

- 10. Add interest with control joints and a swirl pattern.
One of the most economical ways to spruce up an otherwise plain, gray driveway is to plan for unique control joint placement. In this example, large control joint squares were cut (a necessity that was made to look more ornate). A swirl pattern was added to give the driveway some dimension.
Another way to spruce up your driveway is with plants. Well-designed landscaping can highlight or minimize a driveway, depending on the effect you desire. To learn more about selecting the best plants for near your driveway check out Driveway Landscaping on LandscapingNetwork.com.